Saturday, May 17, 2008

body painting

photo credits: smohundro

Mickey and Minnie Mouse.

another body paint, or shell I say face paint?


Body-painting, originally uploaded by day_after_day.

Does that count?

Friday, May 16, 2008

Somebody asked for body paint?

PP827, originally uploaded by Leester.

Here it is. Another one from flickr.

Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Dooce has an interesting story...

, originally uploaded by dooce.

...on her blog

Another measure on beuty

Lubrica ?Nicole?, originally uploaded by ~Transverbero~.

Well, again, here I see a picture of a woman that I find beautiful. What is beautiful in that picture? One more time, I can say that it is the hair and face. Of course her body is beautiful too but her hair and her face are the first for me to recognize and appreciate.

I wonder how many men or women out there are looking for images of women (naked, nude or non-nude) and decide that they are beautiful or not?

How is cosmetics intervened in that?

Megan Fox and beauty

Megan Fox, originally uploaded by ~Transverbero~.

I look at this photo and find her beautiful. However, I can't figure out exactly what is beautiful in her. Is it her hair? Is it that white dress she is wearing?

Is it her colorful eyes?

I think she has a beautiful face and hair but maybe another person would just look at her tits and legs, and will say wow, she is a great beauty.

And this is not relativity. Relativity would be when another person looks at her face and says, no! she isn't beautiful.

Colors and culture

molto affettuoso, originally uploaded by Fib.

Previously I have written about whether there would be an rgb religion in the future...

Now, that idea emerged from pagan religious symbols about four elements and their corresponding colors.

Today I saw this picture on Flickr and I immediately remembered that white represents death in Japan.

While we here, in western cultures, use white in weddings, Japanese people use white in funerals.

Just a quick note for your information :)

Monday, May 12, 2008

Bodypaint one more time

This is another bodypaint photo I found while looking at favorites from flickr.

Would there be an rgb religion in the future?

rgb, originally uploaded by missha.

I am thinking of a religion which would emerge from technological concepts.

Religion is an always has been a world of symbols. Take the Pagan symbols for example, there is this water, earth, fire and air. We used to believe that those are the main pieces of any matter.

Now we have red, grey and blue to organize and show images on an electronic screen. Why not have a religion based on rgb in the future? They are the building blocks of any visual.

Think about it.

Air, Earth, Fire and Water all have thir colors and they aren't much different from rgb. They are red, blue, green and yellow.

I wouldn't be surprized to see such a religion some time later. A couple of hundred years would do it.

Friday, May 09, 2008

Is this concentration?

I've been thinking about this photo and then decided to write about it. First, it was this beautiful face. Lovely hair, she is cute, isn't she?

But then I started thinking. What was the meaning on her face. At least what was the most dominant meaning?

Then I thought about concentration but I think that's not it. Is this a kind of relaxation? Does it look like peace? Maybe.

She is lovely anyway.

Wednesday, May 07, 2008

Wandering around Flickr

dont do that again, originally uploaded by _rebekka.

Recently, over the last two weeks, I developed a habit of looking at people's favorites on Flickr. I am very much concentrated on how they choose their favorites and how those photos (images) make me feel.

I'll try to make posts out of them, both describing them my way and try to tell how they affect me.

Maybe this one has a connotation of trying to become awake, after paying enough time crawling?